Monday, 18 July 2016 by Stuart Packington

Here is a story from a suburban bridge club in Sydney that might make you smile. South declared four Spades after the following strange auction: 



Dealer N                          North

Nil Vul                           ª A Q 8 5 4 

                                   8 5

                              ¨ K

                                           § A K 8 6 5

       West                                              East

     ª J 6 3                                           ª Q  10

      K J  3                                            A  10  9

     ¨ J 10 6 4                                      ¨ Q  9  7  2

     § 10 9 3 2                                      § Q  J  7  4


                                   ª  K 8 7 2

                                     Q 7 4 3 2

                                   ¨ A 8 5 3

                                   §  —                           


West                      North              East                   South

                                1C                 Pass                     1H 

Pass                        3C                 Pass                      3S 

Pass                        4S                All Pass 


Not unreasonably, West led ¨J (the unbid suit), won by Dummy’s King. Declarer played §5 from dummy intending to trump it. East played §4 and then something strange happened. South played 2 and West §2! 

You can see what’s happened – South thought he had trumped §5 --- and so did West!

 The lowest card in the pack able to take a trick to which everyone follows suit is the §5 – the card that did just that in this deal!

 Declarer continued with §6 which he ruffed in hand. After cashing ¨A, pitching a Heart, he now drew trumps in three rounds, ending in Dummy – making 12 tricks. It is unclear why North did not rebid 1S – but then there would be no story.


Alan Quinton                                                                                              August 2015